
Made in Montana Shalach Manos

This year I wanted to do a "made in Montana" theme. But as usual, I procrastinated until the last minute.…


Honestly, this post originally started out all about Seattle and just how beautiful the city is. The blooming flora year-round.…

I Tried Amazon’s House Cleaning Services

I’m the type of person who never asks for help. I don’t know why, perhaps I was raised to be…

Steps To Happiness I Now Know

When I was in college, like most young adults, I was struggling to find myself and to just be happy…

Best Ever Easy Cheesecake Recipe

Last week we celebrated the holiday of Shavuos. During this holiday we are celebrating G-d giving us the Torah which…

Bozeman, Montana – The Best Place

I hear the question often come up of “where can I, as a Jew, live that is not expensive and…

Just Write

BH, We recently welcomed another bundle of joy into our lives. She came a little over a month early, but…

Stitch Fix | Pregnant and Modest

Just received another Stitch Fix and this time the requirements I had for the clothes they sent me included: They…

The Orthodox Jew Who Misses Xmas

Well, while I do miss the smell of a pine tree and the sight of the twinkle lights, there are…

Proud to be a Jew

After the tragic event of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, we all mourned the loss of the individuals who were brutally…