Veestro Kosher Food Delivery

I'm really excited to try this the next time that we travel. Veestro now offers kosher food options. They will…

Really Simple and Cheap Ways to Keep Your House Cool During the Summer

During the summer the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths rises. But honestly, I just decided to write this post…

Rebel in a Headscarf

In traditional Judaism, women typically cover their hair once they are married. This is often attributed to the Sotah ritual…

Alki Beach

Alki Beach is very beautiful, with sand so soft you could easily walk barefoot along the whole beach. There is…

Spray Parks and Wading Pools

Wow, you guys. This is probably the best thing to do with kids in the summer in Seattle. Seattle has…

Summer Activities for Kids in Seattle

There are a lot of awesome summer camps in Seattle but since I spent the budget for that on our…

The Ultimate French Press

I have this problem where I tend to break anything that’s even sort of fragile. In college, it was wine…

Simple and Delicious Date & Olive Quinoa

Quinoa is one of those side dishes that really needs to be spiced up a little. This recipe is a really…